Search Results
ICFP 2012. Paula Severi: Pure Type Systems with Co-recursion on Streams.
ICFP 2012. Jörg Endrullis: On the complexity of equivalence of specifications of infinite
ICFP 2012. Grégoire Henry: Typing unmarshalling without marshalling types.
ICFP 2012. Robin Neatherway: A traversal-based algorithm for higher-order model-checking.
ICFP 2012 Weds keynote. Peter Sewell: Tales from the jungle.
ICFP 2012. José Pedro Magalhães: Equality proofs and deferred type errors.
ICFP 2012. Will Jones: Deconstraining DSLs.
ICFP 2012. Nils Anders Danielsson: Operational Semantics using the Partiality Monad.
ICFP 2012 Programming Contest results and awards. Presented by Edwin Brady.
Cody Roux - Pure Type Systems
Pure type system
2 03 Foundational Extensible Corecursion a Proof Assistant Perspective